Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Left Handed???

Last night we are eating dinner and Beau is in the high chair between us. Ben has been noticing that Beau uses his Left hand a lot. I have been speculative because Ben desperately wants him to be a left handed pitcher and batter; more money in it and a greater chance to play ball in college, or so he says...

Anyway, after Beau is done eating we will give him his spoon to play with in his chair. ( I am careful to make sure he doesn't hurt himself with it) It is so cute because Beau will grab the spoon on the correct end and put it in his mouth correctly. I am thinking this is good for his dexterity and to practice feeding himself one day.

Ben notices that he only grabs the spoon with his left hand!!! BEN: SEE I TOLD YOU HE WAS GOING TO BE LEFT HANDED and I am like OK lets test it. So we grab it from him and set it down, grabs with left hand, we move the spoon closer to his right hand, reaches over and grabs with left hand, we put it out of reach on his right side and he stretches with his LEFT HAND.

So I guess my son really is left handed. We will continue to test the theory. I just thought it was funny and worth sharing. It is funny Ben and I are both right handed and the only person that is left handed in either of our families is my dad. He will be so proud!!

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