Thursday, November 10, 2011

Big Announcement

Beau is officially Potty Trained!!!WOOHOOO

It has taken a little longer than I had hoped (we have been wearing pulls up and pee-peeing on the potty for quite some time) but we are in big boy underwear and loving it.
Beau just wasn't ready a year ago, he wouldn't tell you when he needed to go and really didn't care about going in his pull-up/diaper.  Potty training is like loosing weight- you have to be self motivated.  You can't do it because someone else thinks you should. 

*We encouraged Beau's motivation first with this:

We were at Sam's and I made him promise that he would start pooping on the potty if I bought him this huge bucket of cheese balls.... And so it began.

 And then it ended with this Cars Movie, Mack Truck and Lightning McQueen.  He saw something liek this and LOVES the Mack truck from the Cars movie and so we promised if he had a good week with no accidents he could get this. So he would go 4 days and I would be ready to go get it and he would have an accident (my heart broke several times).  This happened a few times- Once he told Avery- "AVERY- we gotta' pee and poo on the potty today- Mack Truck s one the line!"  No kidding so funny! So this past weekend he was great and had no accidents and he did great on Monday so I went out and go it and he was SOOO excited about it.  It is the only thing he wants to play with. So I have also gotten Cars II for his stocking and I can't wait to watch it. 

I am so excited about Christmas this year.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


 We had the best time on Halloween. We attended a party with a bunch of our friends and their children. Beau was super excited... can you tell...?  This picture was taken after the treating and Beau was well sugared and Avery ate a while tootsie roll pop (see it on  her shirt).  Beau was Buzz Lightyear and successfully lazered several people and Avery was a ballerina and everyone loved her- including the blue monster Levi!
 Levi is only 3 month older than Avery and since us parents are good friends, they "hangout".
Levi even tried to sneak a kiss or two, and Avery put him right in his place- look at that face!!  Ha Ha
  These pictures really will be funny if they every date or get married.  Which for the record would be just fine with me, Levi will grow to be a fine boy and his father is full of wisdom!

Beau was so funny, he brought his flashlight trick-or-treating, and toward the end of our jaunt he says to his friend Josh, (also in the wagon):

  "Hand me my flash light so I can seem dem rack-a-roons!"

  I thought I was going to die- so funny!!   I love that child!