Tuesday, November 30, 2010

SO I think our child is gifted....

He can sing the Dukes of Hazzard theme song!!  


In all seriousness, he can sing a lot of songs, complicated songs.  Beau can pick out a favorite song on a CD and ask for it or ask for other songs biased upon some of the lyrics.  He can pick out a rythm and can keep the beat.   Not to mention he can count to 15 and can count by odd numbers. 

The grand-finally........................

He can almost say hippopotamus (and I am not sure I even spelled that correctly) 
I hope you all are having a wonderful day!

Monday, November 29, 2010


 Avery had a wonderful time visiting family this Thanksgiving.  Below is a picture of Beau at his first Thanksgiving feast.  To me they really look different....

 Beau was two weeks older than Avery at his first Thanksgiving and was defiantly bigger than she is.  I think he was also a more stable sitter than she is.  I just love these little pictures in Granny's laundry basket. Since their birth dates are so close it is great to commemorate their milestones with similar pictures.
 This was to cute not to post- please note that she has the upside down U shaped mouth when she cries-courtesy of my sister Krysti.

The Bow Stealing- Beau is fascinated with Avery's hair bows and always asks to wear one....

Hair Bows and Camo

 Avery enjoyed some sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving- she loves them!!

Me-Maw and Poppie brought Beau and Avery several gifts- one of which was a wash board for Beau!!  He loves music and I am excited for him to learn to play.  If he can learn to hold the beat he may even play on stage with Me-Maw and Poppie's favorite Zydeco player Geno Delafose!!  He is excited already!

Avery enjoying some relaxation time on the couch.... I guess the turkey got to us all.

Beau dancing to some Zydeco Music
Beau loves his baby sister.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

News Flash!

Avery is 4 months old today!!  

It's hard to believe, it seems like we were just in the hospital waiting on the epidural.  She is such a wonderful baby- she sleeps though the night and rarely cries.  This child is so good she barley spits up!!  We have been so blessed by our beautiful babies and have to much to be thankful for this holiday season!!  I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas Card Bloopers

 They have the same expression in this picture- So funny!!
 There was a crane in the lake and we could barley keep Beau's attention.

We took these pictures at Ben's hunting land- it is so beautiful and we have been spending a lot of time there.  It is great to get the kids outdoors!!  Saturday evening Ben and Beau flushed a covey of wild quail!!

Monday, November 15, 2010


 We have started feeding Avery some rice cereal on occasion, I think she likes the idea of eating but isn't sure whether she is ready to eat anything yet.

Beau is very interested in her eating, he is always offering her some of his food at dinner. This morning he was eating his breakfast in the bathroom while we were getting ready for work.  I left to get something in the living room, and Beau followed me out a few seconds later saying Ace ate his sausage.... (believable story), I walked back into the bathroom and found the sausage Ace supposedly ate right next to Avery!! I am going to have to be more careful with the two of them when Beau is eating.

Speaking of eating we are having a dufficult time getting Beau to eat.  He is only wanting to he his yogart (sometimes 3 times a day). He used to be such a good eater even eating his veggies.  In the last few weeks he hasn't been eating well- he is deciding he doesn't like stuff and is refusing to eat meals he usually loves!!  It has been very frustrating for Ben and I- any tips would be wonderful!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hunting Club

It was so nice here this weekend, I don't think it got above 70 degrees and we spend most of our weekend outside.  Ben's hunting club is 15 minuets from our house so Saturday and Sunday when the kids got up from their naps we headed over for some family time in the outdoors.

Beau spent alot of time on the tractor and it was all he talked about yesterday at school.  He was in little boy heaven.

Ben's hunting club is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen!!  It is about 700 acres (it think) it has a beautiful creek and large pond, hardwood bottoms, and beautiful pine fields.  There are a lot of deer, BIG turkeys, and even wild quail.  Until we can have a place of our own this is the next best thing!! I want to live some place like this one day!

Beau spent time riding his tractor at the hunting club too!!  What a happy boy.  Avery enjoyed her time at the hunting club to,  she rode all over in the sling and watched the sky the whole time.  Both our babies love the outdoors.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Look what I found in my towel

 After Avery's bath last night I had her all snuggled in her towel and she was just smiling and talking.  It was SO sweet!! She looked just like a little puppy that had found it's way into a warm towel.   

(the flash kept surprising her and her eyes would get hudge- this baby does have her mama's big eyes!!)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Fun

 We had a wonderful time trick-or-treating on Saturday!!  Beau was a pumpkin farmer and Avery was a pumpkin.

 Beau rode all over Pine Tip on his tractor, I think that was the highlight of his evening- riding the tractor in the dark!!  The plastic tires on Beau's tractor on the asphalt was really loud (and we kept up a good speed) and above that noise beau was singing "BOB the builder, can he fix it  BOB the builder, yes he can!!"  It was so funny!  You could tell he was really enjoying himself.  We would be riding along and next thing you know- Roscoe P. Coltrane- at the top of his lungs!!  Beau really enjoyed himself.

This picture shows Ben pulling him (mommy pulled him most of the way- next year I will wear my gym clothes) I am sure we walked well over a mile.
 He did a wonderful job saying trick-or-treat, saying thank you, and bye to everyone.
I think everyone that opened the door to him was surprised at how young he was; is was apparent they hadn't seen small children trick-or-treat that evening.  Most of the kids we saw trick-or-treating were at least 10 years old. 
Avery also had a wonderful time, she rode in the truck around the neighborhood and had wonderful company. There were lots of loving arms to hold her!!

 Avery wanted to take part in the festivities.  (don't worry she just gummed this a little)

 Surprise, I am a pumpkin!!