We had a wonderful time trick-or-treating on Saturday!! Beau was a pumpkin farmer and Avery was a pumpkin.
Beau rode all over Pine Tip on his tractor, I think that was the highlight of his evening- riding the tractor in the dark!! The plastic tires on Beau's tractor on the asphalt was really loud (and we kept up a good speed) and above that noise beau was singing "BOB the builder, can he fix it BOB the builder, yes he can!!" It was so funny! You could tell he was really enjoying himself. We would be riding along and next thing you know- Roscoe P. Coltrane- at the top of his lungs!! Beau really enjoyed himself.
This picture shows Ben pulling him (mommy pulled him most of the way- next year I will wear my gym clothes) I am sure we walked well over a mile.
He did a wonderful job saying trick-or-treat, saying thank you, and bye to everyone.
I think everyone that opened the door to him was surprised at how young he was; is was apparent they hadn't seen small children trick-or-treat that evening. Most of the kids we saw trick-or-treating were at least 10 years old.
Avery also had a wonderful time, she rode in the truck around the neighborhood and had wonderful company. There were lots of loving arms to hold her!!
Avery wanted to take part in the festivities. (don't worry she just gummed this a little)
Surprise, I am a pumpkin!!