His birthday shirt- we had to loose the shorts. (they were falling off- 6 month shorts on a 1 year old child....)
His Plane from Grammy and Grandad!
Working the gears...
Beau and his best buddy "Ace"
Beau got lots of presents and enjoyed playing in the tissue and paper.
A ball- Beau loves to throw ball!!
Birthday Cake- and I made it! Beau wasn't sure why everyone was singing...
YES, that is a frog- I knew what you were thinking. I am not exactly Martha Stewart- but it is the thought that counts right??
At first he was just eating icing. I think that was his favorite part- Buttercream!
Yummy CAKE!
On Wednesday Beau and I went for our 12 month check up-
Weighs 18.6 lbs- mind you he was stomping on the scale, accuracy???
27.5 inches tall
Percentile: 5% still a little ball of muscles.
He is babbling all the time, eating anything you put in front of him, holding all of his own bottles and sippy cups, walking and sometimes attempting to run, and my favorite milestone- HUGGING!
Ben and I both are looking forward to this next year!
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