Ben's parents came to visit us on Saturday and are keeping Beau this week before Thanksgiving. This is the first time they have seen him since he was 3 weeks old. They are amazed how much he has grown and changed. Beau is 4 months and 4 weeks old. Pop Pop is having a good time visiting with Beau. Now that he is laughing and "more durable" Pop Pop is really enjoying bonding with his first grandson.
Most of all they are enjoying taking naps together!!

I think Beau is looking more and more like Pop pop, what do y'all think??
It also appears that my son my be an IT guy when he grows up!!! Doesn't this remind you of that online trading commercial...
Beau had just woke up and I could here him talking to himself in his room. So I snuck into his room to watch him and he was playing with his blanket. It was so cute, he was looking at all the colors and just talking up a storm. These are the picts I took, SO SWEET! He always wakes up happy it is the most precious thing I have ever seen!!