We have finally made our final destination!
We closed on June 21st and moved in the following day! Moving is so much work, something about touching everything you own in a day makes you want to throw it all away and start over!
Thankfully the week before we closed we were able paint and clean, we worked ourselves and my parents to death! We had only planned on painting the living room above, a blue grey. The evening we had planned to paint the walls Ben decided we needed to paint the ceiling. It was a cream color and wouldn't have the finished look we wanted with the grey. So we ran off to Home depot picked up ceiling paint.... I thought it was going to be a horrible mess, but it ended up not being as bed as I thought and the bright white ceiling looks great! That however was just the beginning....
The next evening Ben decided that the master (olive green) needed to be repainted.... and he wanted to try a light color. So we bought what we thought would be a light khaki.... it was SEAFOAM from the 70's.
So running out of time, I took off the following day, painted the ceiling the bright white and the walls a really nice coffee color- which I LOVE!
While buying the paint for the living room color, my mom and I decided that the cream kitchen desk and cabinets above should be painted a different color from the kitchen cabinets- to set them apart and make them look like a separate built in. We decided to take the doors off and make it a display for my everyday dinnerware! Great Choice (yes it is wonderful having a mom that is also a designer)
Ben also decided he wasn't happy with the existing ventilated shelving in the pantry and replaced it with built-in shelves that look amazing! (We also painted the pantry to match the living room)
So after all this work we have started settling in- completing smaller projects in the evening- like these $20 drapes from IKEA!
The yard at this home is beautiful and I have 6 hydrangea plants outside the kitchen in blue and purple.
The only thing not completed in the house is the kids room and some crown molding in the master... (if anyone's husband knows how to cut crown... we have the tools and the molding- send him over!)
Avery's is first- she will be in a big girl bed soon! I cannot believe it!